

I really hate moving.

Unfortunately, it's a fact of life being married to a military man!

We've finally moved into our new house, and of course it's too small! It is base housing, so we expected it, but it's still frustrating trying to figure out where everything goes!

Off to unpack some more things!


I hate waiting

Waiting 4 the defense atty 2 show up 4 my deposition - she's running late, of course.


Wow, it's that time of year again...

Time for a PCS, yet again.

Moving in 4 weeks back up to Georgia, back to being in the heat, humidity, oh yeah, and no sea breeze.

But on the positive side, no being near the back stabbing chick who was my friend, then stole my credit card.

And, it is closer to where I grew up, so that's a bonus. Oh, and we've lived there before, and kidlet's been in school there before, so that's helpful!

Oh well, back to packing.